Thursday, March 15, 2012


I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'll know when I find it. (Missing Piece by David Choi)

We're just wanderers on the earth, drifting aimlessly day by day until we find what we're looking for. For some it could be love. Others, a decent job, or a hobby of sorts.

Whatever it may be, we're all lost on this world, empty inside even when we assure everyone outside of us that we're okay. Sometimes you just think, what's the point anymore?

I myself am Christian, but I'm not here to preach to you. But I've noticed how empty I felt, and I've regretted my past. I'm also regretting my choices in the present.

Everyone makes mistakes, and they tend to just look for temporary entertainment wherever they can. No matter how long it takes, whether you've found it or not, there's always something that you know what you needed all along.

- Melody -

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Blogging Theory

We all have those days where our actions seem against us. We yearn to blog, to voice our thoughts, to sit down and mix together words to create something we cherish. Blogging gives us that certain arena, that special zone to say what we want and need to say. But, our bodies protest. They complain of being too lazy, too busy to complete such a simple and lovely task.

In a sense, this blog was created hastily from discovering another blog similar to this one. Our expectations were too high, our posts consisting of unimportant topics and whatevers. The blog was forgotten, forged somewhere in a dark abyss in the back of our minds.

I miss doing the thing I love. I miss voicing my thoughts and writing what's on my heart. Now is another chance to revive this wonderful blogging world.

We want to create something new. We want to share the ideas and feeling we have, and the blogging life that we'll create for ourselves.

We will accomplish something. We will take this world into our own minds, using fantasy to give our life a unique taste, and a melody to make our life creative.

~ Fantasy ~

New and Refreshed

Among this drought of Blogger, I've come back to record the daily nuisances or unique events that occur without warning, along with what might be the closest cousin in the entire world.

All past posts have disappeared, vanished into the air like wisps of autumn smoke. Winter lays its white sheet across most of the world, giving us a chance for a clean slate. A new start.

We are here to bring back whatever is left of Blogger, wiping off the problems of the past years and creating a new Blogger from it. This may be one of the only chances we can be able to do this.

The fantasy, daydreaming of the world's most marvelous creatures, imagination far beyond the limit of others. Hope glimmers within her, along with the everlasting determination to press on, oblivious to the accusations thrown at her.

The melody, surrounded by the different sounds and taking out the different in others. Music is her passion, and though she's a little more short-tempered and guarded, she doesn't find giving up very satisfying.

We're different, and choose to live this way.

- Melody -